I made a visit to TK Maxx at Charing Cross a few days ago. I have heard much about it – particularly from a couple of my friends Leroy Dawkins and Prince Cassius as they have picked up many little gems from there. The retailer’s mantra is “Big labels, small prices” with up to 60% off recommended retail prices and not too long ago they launched Mod Box which is a little section within the store where they stock the latest trends for young, fashion conscious shoppers. I was curious to have a look for myself! At the Charing Cross branch, the men’s department was on the 3rd floor where I quickly spotted some bargain buys. I picked up three skinny jeans which sells for £60 a pair at nearly all the High Street shops for between £16.99 and £19.99 a pair. The t-shirt was also a bargain at £9.99 when it sold for £28.99 at other stores. At Mod Box, I also spotted cosmo/galaxy tops and other prints which of course I love.
Paula McClelland
LOVE TK Maxx – your’e making me miss the UK :-(
♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.
Jai'me Jan
That means you must plan a visit soon! :)