They outfits have been changed in the windows and damn, they are looking so much better. Some really nice use of fresh light colours in the main window and the clothes are more feminine than the ones they had on display last week. I especially like the yellow skirt and the orange one too. The yellow jeans with the blue belt looks great too. I am a fan of the whole “socks and shoes” combination and believe they certainly can work, depending on the shoes and socks. As with everything you wear, the key towards getting the right look is all about choosing the right combination. Having said this, I don’t think the stripey socks work very well with heels as shown below (blue pair and red pair). What do you think?
I love the LOL t-shirt – it even made me laugh. It concides with the recent news that LOL was added to the Oxford English dictionary (oh dear). Still, a LOL t-shirt is funny. Hell, if they have one for men, I might get one too.

One window is dedicated to supporting the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer charity. TOPSHOP have limited edition t-shirts (£18) promoting the charity and for every one sold, they will donate £5.40 to Breakthrough Breast Cancer. The Fashion Targets Breast Cancer t-shirt has “Starts with L and ends in E and in between are O and V” printed on it.