If you have not yet seen my blog post about Very’s Spring/Summer 2012 clothing collections then, my God where HAVE you been? Do not adjust your TV set – you can see that post by clicking right here.
Next up we have a collection of shoes I saw on Press Day. There were many I managed to take a peek at but far too many to put up here, so what I have done is picked out some of favourites. Enjoy! These are all part of the Spring and Summer 2012 collections! Girls, if you love heels then you will like these. If you don’t like heels then you may still like looking at them. Well, at least I hope you will!

I like the 3rd and 6th best, really cute. I’m afraid they’re just too high for me though.
I’m not usually a very.co.uk fan but these look great! Especially like the blue peep toes and the peach peep toes as well!
Hello Jaime,I would like to give you the Liebster award-for more details please see my latest post! http://fashionlumiere.blogspot.com/2011/12/liebster-award.html i love your blog!
WOW! Those blue polka dot heels are right up my street, truely devine!
Thanks for sharing :)
Niki @1d78d1d8fe68c7127532d42a9c193ced:disqus xo LQM&M
Jessie in Fashion Limbo
wow, all of these shoes are simply gorgeous… I wonder how they are in terms of quality though. Stunning designs in any case.
Jai'me Jan
Hey, thanks! :]
Jai'me Jan
The blue peep toes are probably my favourite from this bunch here! :]
Jai'me Jan
Yeah they are high! Do wedges help at all?
Jai'me Jan
As far as I could tell, the quality did look good to me. I couldn’t fault them. :]
Jai'me Jan
You’re welcome! The polka dot pair are cute! :]
They ‘re all so gorgeous!!!
Glad I found ur blog.
Kisses by your new follower :)
Jai'me Jan
Hey, thank you! :]
Sometimes wedges feel less stable than stilettos I find. However, I wear both high heels and wedges, but these are just too high really. 8 to 10 cm maximum. Above, it’s just not enough practical for everyday life (and they kill my feet, it’s hard to bear the pain !)