In the above images, taken yesterday evening, I was testing out the auto-focus system.
Until recently I could never imagine moving from Canon to Nikon but it is silly I ever thought that way. Whenever I look into buying a new camera, I always do my research very carefully. I rarely ever buy things on an impulse – not even clothes. I sifted through many reviews – from online magazines to hardcore and was amazed by how fickle and childish human beings can be. Basically I found that most Canon lovers love Canon and bash Nikon, and most Nikon owners do exactly the same by hitting out at Canon cameras. This is from all levels – whether they are experienced professional photographers or newly learning DSLR users. It is not unlike the never-ending silly iPhone vs Android users and Windows vs Mac wars. I do not know what is wrong with people. Personally I do not particularly care about brands. Nor do I care for brand loyalty either. All I want are the best products I can have according to my needs. Why does it matter whether a person’s camera is a Canon, or Nikon? It is not a sport where you support your team no matter what. Yet no matter what you look, whether it is on Amazon.com amongst the customer reviews, or in the comments section on review sites, or even YouTube – people love to cling onto their favourite brands and bash rival brands. It is all a bit pointless, don’t you think? Earlier I mentioned how until weeks ago I could not imagine swapping a Canon camera for a Nikon but that was purely because I was so used to the Canon camera menu system and settings. It had nothing to do with brand loyalty.
As a proud new owner of a Nikon DSLR, I love Nikon but I also love Canon. I am extremely fond of the Canons I own – the 500D and 60D. Both cameras captured my life through digital imagery over the last two years. Images I shall forever cherish and look at, if I am lucky enough to make it to old age.
When you think about it, cameras are incredible. People come and go. Life continues relentlessly. I think it is incredible that we have devices that can forever capture memories. The more distant the memory, the weaker the images in our heads become. Memories become fragmented and we lose the details. Luckily photographs help restore those memories. When certain people you love are gone forever, photos are often all you have left to remind you of the moments shared together.
We are so lucky to be spoilt for choice with so many wonderful affordable cameras on the market. This year, I have made it a goal to make more time to enjoy the moments of each day and capture them on camera.