There were delicious creamy cupcakes, heart shaped sandwiches, cider, raffle prizes and other goodies at Elizabeth Lau’s Summer Fete as we partied to music at her studio near Notting Hill. I first come across Elizabeth earlier in the year when I attended the London Fashion Week AW11 back in chilly February. At the time I did not get to meet her but saw her as I walked past where she was working. We kept in touch a lot over the months and then she recently invited me over to see her and join the party. It was so lovely to actually meet her at long last and see her studio! She is very sweet and friendly, and I don’t say this lightly but I love her clothes. The quality of the fabrics really impressed me and the styles she has adopted really stands out. What I also like is how she puts emphasis on the little details on her clothes. Luckily she has a range out for men too, so I don’t feel entirely jealous of women!

There were a few well known bloggers like Jackie Dixon from and Kit Lee from at the party. I had a really good time seeing them, meeting other bloggers and personal friends of Elizabeth. Her interns are absolutely sweet and were great company.

Some of the ladies at the party! On the VERY left, where you see the arm on the white blazer – well that would be me, haha. You can see me on Natalie’s blog Oh Dearism.

Another highlight for me would be the sunglasses by Linda Farrow – some of them are wonderful, stand out pieces. Go over to and see for yourself. I love the quirky designs. The woman in the photo below is Natalie Lasance from Linda Farrow. We had a good chat about the sunglasses, fashion and museums!

One of Elizabeth’s wonderful interns holding out two tops I really liked.

Just look at the details on it! Beautiful. Am so jealous, I want one.

How seriously CUTE is this? It’s Susie Bubble & Steve Salter, who I believe is her boyfriend.

Thank you and your lovely interns for a great afternoon, Elizabeth. See you again later in the year!