I am big fan of the leather jacket + dress combination. It was the last day of London Fashion Week, Men’s day, and I was pretty much finished. Before leaving I wanted to spend a little more time trying to spot some styles catching my eyes, to capture on my camera. Glancing through the crowd, I saw this woman standing away, near the edge along with tourists who were just watching and admiring all the stylish people from a distance. It was the dark colours of her chocolate brown hair and black leather biker jacket contrasting with her light skin and bold red lipstick which initially caught my eyes, so I made my way to her and asked if I could take some photos. We had a chat. It turned out she is British but new to living in London and slowly adjusting to life in the capital.
I like her jagged stripe dress and how the studded leather bag matches her jacket. The black tights and black suede lace-ups complements the jacket and bag. I hope she like these photos I took! :]

I’m certain she’ll love the pictures, she looks gorgeous! Very rock chick but still feminine and not scary OTT. Great pics:) xx
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I’m certain she’ll love the pictures, she looks gorgeous! Very rock chick but still feminine and not scary OTT. Great pics:) xx
Visit The Other Side Of Cool
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Jai'me Jan
Thank you! It is rock chick look without looking boyish thanks to the dress. :]