I was very excited to play my part at the Gay Pride in London yesterday even though I am not a gay person myself. Being a firm supporter of equal rights, it has always been something I feel strongly about. I abhor discrimination and attend marches supporting the equality of women, blacks and gay/lesbians. Having witnessed many people treated unfairly & even abused, simply for being who they are, it needs to stop.
I had so much fun at the event and was shown so much love. The day easily turned out to be amongst my very favourites this year. The community is a very warm and friendly. When I got into Trafalgar Square there were a group of girls pointing at me and then one of them came over, asked my name and to my amazement, took my hand and held it. It was a strange feeling at first but I went along with the idea and thought it was so incredibly sweet. She was so cute and beautiful. I lost the number of times total strangers asked for hugs and I gave them out – very unusual for me considering I don’t usually feel comfortable hugging strangers but somehow it all felt very natural at the time, most likely down to the the anti-hate, pro-love atmosphere. I am not really one to initiate a conversation unless I really need something but fortunately for me, there were plenty of chatty people who randomly initiated friendly chats with me and even included me into their circle of friends – especially the woman. The numerous banters were so much fun.

The moment when a number of people turned into rebels and defied the authorities by running into the water fountain even though they were not allowed to. It drew cheers from the crowds before they were escorted out of the water. Made me smile.

Another big highlight for me was meeting a good friend Lira, who until yesterday, I only knew of online. When she found out I was going to be at the London Pride, she suggested we meet up. The circumstances in which we met was quite humourous. I was just taking photos of a joyful moment when a few people ran into the water fountain to have a splash and soon in time Lira and I bumped into one another. She just happened to be taking photos as well! We gave each other a hug and spent some time together near the music stage where a number of bands were playing.

Later on, the partying continued into the early hours of Sunday morning in Soho. It was truly packed there with people singing and dancing like no tomorrow! It was a place where every person was a someone and every someone was a friend. A complete feeling of unity. It really was quite liberating considering most of the time strangers don’t even look at each other in eyes in this city. A feeling of euphoria. When I woke up this morning, I felt myself missing yesterday.

Finally, the video I made (watch in 720p mode for better video picture quality but it’s only recommended if you have a fast internet connection). The best bit is when Michael Jackson’s “Black or white” comes on.
It was one wonderful day. I hope you enjoyed the photos and video! :]
It looks like an amazing day and your photography is brilliant. I would have loved to have been there :)
Lisa Prest
Great pictures, I’m sad I missed it this year!
Kelly C.
to say this was a success seems to be a bit of an understatement :D
Jessie at Fashion Limbo
Love this! your pictures are so good at capturing the atmosphere for those of us who would have loved to be there. It looks like it was a fantastic day, really sad I wasn’t there!
luv the pics -luv the unity of ppl – embrace n enjoy!
My photos and video from London Gay Pride 2011! | Boy Meets Fashion - Lengoo Rants – views on Life and London
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the photos look brilliant! I agree you don’t have to be gay to support equal rights for all! x