I immediately fell in love with these boots when I saw them at Topshop on Oxford Circus. It was Friday morning and I had that Friday feeling. After an hospital appointment I had some time to kill, so I headed down to Topshop to have a browse around, and it was on the women’s floor I saw these pair, right on the small table of used and worn vintage shoes. They are one of a kind which means you most likely will not find them anywhere. I felt excitement but suspected they would not fit me because they were a size 7, so I realised the feeling could be a short-lived one. I thought to myself, why not just try them on any way because you never know. So I sat down on the sofa and had to fiddle a bit with the laces to loosen the boots enough to slide them through my legs. When I quickly managed it and stood up, I could barely believe my luck. They were a perfect fit. It felt almost as if, they were there all along, waiting for me.
I went to pay and buy them and to my disbelief, found that I had left my debit card at home. So I had asked a couple of staff members if they could hold them for me because I really wanted them, and did not want to risk putting them back in case someone else buys them. Unfortunately I was told that the store does not put items on hold as it is policy. I did not want to give up just yet. I spotted someone I knew, a staff member who knows me and has always been amazing to me. She is just the loveliest person and always goes out of her way to help me, and whenever I thank her, she blushes in the biggest and cutest way. I mean, a full on blush! Anyway, I had asked her and she said she would go to ask the manager if this could be done as a special favour but then changed her mind and said she could hold it for me until the end of the day. I definitely owe her a coffee.
So I went home in the afternoon and picked up my debit card but did not have time to go back to Topshop just yet as I had to attend the Boo Hoo party in Shoreditch. At the party, I spent the time with friends, PRs and then watched a live acoustic performance from Stooshe. With one eye on my watch, I knew I was running out of time to get back to Topshop. It was 8.35pm, I was in Shoreditch and I only had 25 minutes to get there. Determined to try anyway, I rushed off to catch a bus and then ran all the way to Liverpool Street station. Ran down the tunnels to the tube and jumped on. The minutes were ticking away. Reached Oxford Circus station after what felt like an eternity. Was forced to walk instead of running as a large group of people were in my way (argh) from the tube to the station’s exit doors, and then I ran much like a cat after its prey. I do not know how I managed it but I sailed past the doors of Topshop just before they closed. My face was covered in sweat, my hair was all messed up but those boots were going to be mine!
That’s not all! After I bought them, I rushed back to the Boo Hoo party (yes I went back), panting along the way. No one could believe my story at first and said what I did was truly crazy. They were not wrong but I am glad I did it, even if I do question my sanity! My mad gamble paid off, and I really do LOVE the boots.

They are pretty amazing, so worth a sweaty dash across London!
It was obviously meant to be :)
Becky at life/style/flash. blog x
haha great story, love the boots! :)
you looked like a happy man when you came back to the Boohoo event! Nice to meet you on Friday and love the story about the boots