During Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model Live last month, en route to the Excel Venue I came across the MCM Expo London Comic Con exhibition. There were thousands of people expressing their creativity through costumes. It was really good fun around the area with so much excitement and energy flowing all over the place. I really enjoyed it and took some photos. I wish I could have taken more but was too busy to really stick around. It was enjoyable looking at all the outfits, and my favourite are the girls in the top two photos. I just love the way they all complement each other, and the strong vibrant colours they all used really made them stand out. They look sensational together as a group.
I absolutely LOVE Cosplay. Who doesn’t like dressing up? It just seems like so much fun and so positive. Everyone is always happy and polite, and it’s quite common to see many people offering to give out hugs. I guess it’s sort of a modern day hippy movement except everyone wears a costume, and thankfully no drugs are involved. Heck, next year I may even take part just so I can wear a blue wig. I miss the times when I really did have blue hair!

When I took the two photos above, the beautiful blonde girl, Yuka, loved the photos when I showed them to her on my camera. She seemed quite surprised and that made me smile. With her very warm and charming personality, Yuka gave me her contact card and asked if I would inform her when get round to putting them on the blog. Hopefully she will like these! :]

Above: her dress was really pretty to look at and she made me think “awww” at times because she was nervous and quite shy with people taking her photos. She looked like the Belle of the Ball in that dress.

Above: I thought her hair looked really pretty and her costume was quite well put together. The bow, and the flower in her hair was a nice touch. Reminds me of Little House on the Prairie.

I liked the Joker outfit!