Although I do like them, I have never really wanted a permanent tattoo – for more reasons than one. They become progressively worse as you get older and also because I have a habit of quickly getting bored of seeing the same old designs over and over again. With temporary tattoos you do not need to concern yourself with such things because of course they are temporary. I think they can look so much better too – with stronger, vibrant colours and even glitter. I saw this woman walking around at IMATS wearing face/body paint by Wolfe Face Art & FX and quite simply loved them. They really are beautiful as you can see from the photos. Incredible colours and details. I was told by a Wolfe representative that once the paint has dried after application, you do not have to worry about rubbing them off. Not feeling convinced, she gave me an impressive demonstration by telling me to rub my fingers and fabric against the paintwork on her arm. Sure enough, the paint did not smudge one little bit. There is only one minor downside: the paint is not water proof. You will need to be attentive if you are outside when rain is due.
Really quite pretty aren’t they?

I’m not a huge fan to tattoos either. It may look good when you’re young but as you get older, the tattoos will be covered in wrinkles! But I do love the heart shape necklace body paint.
Louise Young
Hey hey! I’m so behind on reading your blog d’oh! The LV windows are really quite something, so artistic and well-crafted. Very well thought out campaign that I would have loved to have had a part in myself. Your other two posts recently caught my eye too… Gina’s outfit is pretty cool in the way that she has decided to go out-and-out and therefore the look really comes together. It’s not half-hearted at all! Also the temporary tattoos… I’m a fan of any kind of self-expression, who cares if permanent tattoos get a bit wrinkly anyway, the point is my body art will always remind me of my life before :) xo
Jai'me Jan
I agree. It will gradually worsen with not only time but also if you lose/gain a significant amount of weight too! Now if only they could get temporary tattoos to stay on for a longer period of time (weeks/months). :]
Jai'me Jan
Thank you, Louise! I am all for self-expression so I always believe that we should all go by what we want to do, regardless of what others think. I am a big believer in this. It is what reflects our personality. If I chose a design for a permanent tattoo, my problem is I know that within weeks/months I would be bored of the way it looks. I am too picky and am constantly craving changes. :]