The day was one I will never forget for as long as I live. It was a very special occasion which united the country like no other whether you were in favour or against the Royal Wedding, and I had never seen so much patriotism and pride shown by Britons. Made me proud to be British. To see so many Union Jack flags lining the streets and carried by members of the public – even by many tourists showed how special it was, and how we were all swepted up and caught by the wedding fever. Without exaggerating, I stayed up for a record 41 hours. I never went to sleep on the night of 28th April and did not take a nap. Incredibly I actually felt fine – somehow my body managed to find some extra energy from somewhere. It was around 5.25am when I got to The Mall to try and find a spot. It was MAD busy all over the place and then when I found a good spot, I stood there for 6 hours straight without sitting. In the SAME spot. I don’t know how I managed it.
Here are some photos after the Royals had left the Buckingham Palace balcony. It was such a hot day, strangely enough hotter than it has been all summer. Some people couldn’t resist dipping into the water fountain at Buckingham Palace. Everyone were in a party mood!

Look at all those HUGE cameras belonging to the world’s media companies! All those photos you saw of the couple kissing on the balcony came from those cams!

They certainly do love Apple, don’t they?

Impeccably dressed police officers. The white gloves added a gentleman’s touch of elegance.

When everyone were asked to leave the area so the clean-up operation could begin.

I met these wonderful girls when we both crossed paths and smiled at one another. They complimented me on how I dressed and I told them how I loved what they were wearing. I don’t know if they are sisters but it certainly looks that way. They both look super sweet and they were. If you are thinking they giggle a lot too, you are right – they did! :]

I really love how this random building was decorated.

There were flags all along London’s Chinatown too.

Street parties at London’s West End. The atmosphere was pretty incredible. Infectious.

Even Italians paid tribute. I saw this very special pizza at an Italian restaurant. Brilliant.

International newspapers outside a newsagent, marking the occasion.

Leicester Square.

Piccadilly Circus. You can see flags hanging along Regent Street.

Love how these women showed their pride.

Later on, I went to the V&A museum where they were also holding celebrations and had a street festival. Here couples were invited to write love messages and hang them up as part of the bunting.

Ladies in bridal dresses.

Love this one. Very pretty.

And finally, this is me. Every time I look at this photo, I keep wishing I had remembered to take my bag off before this photo was taken so that my jacket would at least be straight! ARGH, haha. Can we turn back the clock so I can have this photo taken again but with the correction please? When I wore the Union Jack bow tie on the day, I must admit I felt a little silly but the lovely comments I received from random people and friends made me realise it was well worth wearing. I like it now. What do you think? :]

If you want to see some earlier photos from the day (including a video), you can see the blog post I wrote days after the wedding had ended. Oh, and today Zara Phillips who is the Queen’s granddaughter, gets married so I wish her a very happy wedding and a fulfilling marriage!
These pictures are amazing, I wish I was there to celebrate! I will always remember that day, the wedding was beautiful xxx
Jai'me Jan
Hey thank you Amy! It really was a special wedding – so memorable and special. A proud moment for everyone! :]
Those pictures of the worlds media are absolutely insane!
Jai'me Jan
Yes I was blown away by the huge sizes of all those cameras! :D
The Cat Hag
Wow, your photos are fantastic!
They really bring out the joy and happiness of the British people, and I am glad I could share that through the photos. :)
The Cat
I love this post, some of these shoots are stunning you really have everything from the day and it’s nice to see london like this (we need more days like this).
Jessie in Fashion Limbo
Ah Jaime you make me miss London so much. I love seeing it through your pictures but it pinches my heart so much. Thanks so much for posts like these, stirs emotions but it’s an absolute pleasure to look at.
Jai'me Jan
Thanks! We do need more days like this one and next year we should have something similar – because it’s the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee! I am looking forward to it! :]
Jai'me Jan
Thank you! I am happy you enjoyed them! :]
Jai'me Jan
Very pleased you enjoyed them! I really miss the occasion and it all feels like a dream now! Did you attend it? :]